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A relational database is different from flat files that you might create with a spreadsheet or a word processor. Flat files are easy to set up, but difficult to maintain. They frequently cause problems such as these:
If these look familiar, you should get a full diagnosis of your database system.
If you have spelled the customer's name three different ways, which one is right? |
When you update these items, it is tedious to find all of the places they occur and type in the same information over and over. Afterward, you are never completely sure that all copies are the same. There is also a risk of deleting important data, then finding that there were no copies elsewhere.
A properly designed relational database stores each item in only one table, pointing to that table from other tables of related information. Data can be pulled from sets of related tables as though they were all stored together.
Generally, you can delete a pointer without disturbing the data it represents. On the other hand, a carefully planned cascade delete can keep the database from accumulating mountains of obsolete and misleading data.
Some authorities claim that 30% of the records in an average flat-file database contain errors like these. |
A carefully constructed relational database includes rules for verifying data, so that mistyped or inconsistent entries are caught before they are stored. The same system can also flag entries for special attention; for example, a customer who orders from a new product category or one who waits longer than usual to re-order.
This happens when related data are stored in different files. |
Suppose you want to know whether customers in category X are buying more of product Y than they did last year. You know what you sold and who your customers are, but
Relational databases do queries like this very easily. Query results are not stored, but reassembled each time you call for them. That way, you always work with up-to-date information.
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